Pakistan Customs is tasked with ensuring that following tasks are performed in the legal prescribed manner

  • Import & Export of legitimate cargo,
  • Trade Facilitation,
  • Trade Regulator,
  • Preventive (Control of contraband Goods),
  • Revenue Collection.

Traditionally Customs has been considered as the fiscal subject that charges customs duties and other taxes on import or export. For the recent decades the views on the functions of customs have considerably expanded and now cover three basic issues: taxation, security and trade facilitation.

We are offering following services.

  • WeBOC Registration
  • Preparation of GoodsDeclaration (G.D)
  • Clearance of Goods
  • Preparation of Customs (Import &Export) Record
  • Audit
  • Appeals (Departmental, Tribunal & High Court)
  • Refund Claims
